Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Braised Beef Risotto

This is an actual risotto, not rice with beef that I made before and called it risotto. It tasted so much better, richer, and more flavorful. My brother, who only eats sweets and fast food, ate it and asked for seconds. That's a compliment in my book.

The key is to season the beef right and braise it long enough in the oven.
Cut the beef into medium-sized pieces. Rub the pieces with paprika, salt, black pepper, a little bit of nutmeg and Vegeta. Place them into a deep baking dish, add a stalk of celery, one medium carrot and half an onion. Pour in water to cover everything fully. Cover with foil and place in a preheated oven to 350F for 3 hours.

Remove from the oven. Take out the chunks of meat and flake them down with your fingers or by using two forks. Strain off the liquid, and keep it near.

Dice a medium-sized onion and shallot. Sweat them in a large skillet with some olive oil. Throw in two cups of previously soaked rice. Mix well and pour in half a cup of red wine. Cover and simmer for about 2 minutes.

Add half of your brothy liquid from the meat. Cover again and let simmer for about 8 minutes. You might need to keep your eye on it in case it reduces earlier than 8 minutes. Then throw in the meat and add the rest of the broth. Cover again and let it cook for about 10 minutes.

Take the lid off, add some green peas and a cup of salsa, mix well and let it cook on medium heat for about 2 minutes.

Enjoy the noms.

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